Tofu with Century Egg

A classic pairing of tofu and preserved eggs, topped with uni and soy sauce to tie the whole dish together. Preserved eggs have a really strong/overwhelming flavor, so pairing it with something bland will tone that flavor down.
  • 4 peeled and quartered century eggs (or 1,000 year eggs)
  • 80-150 grams, or 14 pc of uni
  • 1 1/2 pounds of silken or soft tofu, organic if possible

  • 6 tablespoons of Liv Cook Eat Delicate Soy
  • 2 tablespoons of rice vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
  • 1/2 tablespoon of coconut sugar
  • 1/2 cup of minced of scallion greens, optional garnish
  • 2 tablespoons of hydrated gojiberries, optional garnish
Ready in | 30 minutes Yield | Serves 8-10 as an appetizer
  1. Prepare eggs by cutting them into quarters. Set aside the yolk of 1 egg. Chop the “whites” (black color) of 1 egg and set aside as well.
  2. Combine dressing ingredients. Using an immersion blender or stand blender, add egg yolk to dressing ingredients and whirl. The dressing will become slightly creamy. Stir in chopped “whites.” Taste and adjust.
  3. Remove tofu from tub and drain. Cut into ¾-inch cubes.
  4. Just before serving, drain the tofu if water has formed and place in serving dish. Top with sea urchin and quartered eggs. Shake dressing and pour over tofu, eggs and sea urchin. Garnish with scallions and goji, if desired. Toss at table. 

Liv Cook Eat
Premium Soy Sauces

Create unexpected, flavorful dishes with the perfect balance of sweet, savory and umami.From $16

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